Best Software for Recording your PC Screen

Hey guys, this is your helpful and resourceful . Now over the years, I have literally recorded my computer screen almost everyday for one reason or another. Now I’m a geek, I admit it, it’s true. I’ve tried a lot of different screen recording software on both Windows and Mac. Some are really good and others are really, really bad. So here’s what I’m going to do, I’m going to actually going to give you my best pics on the best free solutions and the best paid solutions for all types of users from the business person to the hard core gamer. So if you want to record your screen you need to stay tuned. Okay let’s go ahead and start out with some great free screen recording software that will allow you to record your computer screen, plus your audio. Now for all your Windows users my first pic is CamStudio. CamStudio is a great tool to create quick screencasts to your computer and then export them as AVI files. CamStudio has a lot of features including, Highlighting the Cursor on the path and Recording the Session, Automatic Panning and the ability to actually record with your sound so you’re actually getting the sound of the computer and then also the sound of your voice when you’re talking in the microphone. Now for the cons of CamStudio, honestly it’s a very simple program. You don’t have a lot of export features, you can only export in AVI and then you can kind of convert it to Flash but Flash literally is outdated so if you want to like an Mp4 or any other type of file type you’ll have to find another software to actually convert it. And for you gamers out there, don’t use this, this really struggles to keep up with your gaming screen recording when you’re doing it at 60 frames per second.You  can Download here

Now for you Mac users there’s software built right in to record your screen. All you need to do is going to your applications folder and look for an application called quicktime. Now for the downside of Quicktime, basically there’s not a lot of options. It’s very simple and it’s great you know great free solution but when you record the file sizes are huge! Humongous! And also it has a very difficult time doing a faster frame rate and so if you’re doing you know 60 frames per second it’s going to struggle with that, a little lagging but all in all it’s a great solution because it’s simple, quick and easy. Now for all of you gamers there is a software called Open Broadcaster Software or OBS. This is actually my favorite screen recording software for gamers and let me tell you why. #1 it’s Free. #2 It works on Windows, Mac and even Linux. Now this software is perfect for the gamer and the reason why is most gamers would like to live stream their gameplay.
Right? And honestly this software’s really good because it has an RTMP streaming that you can actually stream to YouTube and Twitch and I’ve found that there’s actually no lag and the reason why is because this software actually utilizes the GPU for higher performance and yes guys, it streams live streams with 60 frames per second. It’s awesome! Now here’s a few cons, now first off I experienced a few crashes in utilizing a Mac, now they just introduced this on the Mac, it’s just brand new, I know that there’s going to be a few bugs, I hear that the Windows version is actually more stable so if you use this software in the comments I’d love to hear if it’s actually stable for you or if you experience any crashes if you’re on windows or even Linux. Now the free software is really great cause why, you don’t have to pay any money! But honestly the paid solutions, there’s a lot more options and if you are really serious about doing this, I would encourage you to invest just a little. Now here are my two picks for the best paid solutions out there.
The first one is Camtasia. Now Camtasia works on Mac and Windows and Camtasia is powerful and it’s really easy to use as a screen recorder and you can also edit your video’s and honestly this is one of the best ones out there, I’ll tell you and the reason why is because there’s so much flexibility, there’s a lot of effects. You can literally take green screen in and key it out and do some like minor video editing and you can really do a lot with this and guess what guys. It even exports at 60 frames per second. So you gamers Camtasia is the way to go. Now here’s some bad news. Camtasia is for $299. Say what? It’s a lot of more for you know, entry level of editing software and I’ve found that it’s quite insulting for you Windows users when you see that the Mac users are only paying $99 bucks. Now for my personal favorite I use an application called ScreenFlow. And ScreenFlow is really amazing. I really loved it, I was an early adopter, I love it because you can record your screen and literally everything that you’re wanting to record all at the same time so like for me I can do my screen, a webcam, and then also a device my iPad micro. Now ScreenFlow has some powerful editing tools, they actually have Built in Transitions and Annotations, they actually have Text and Audio Filters, you can also do Green Screens you can actually key it up like that. So if you really want to do that, there’s a lot of great things. You can also do call out’s and so much more but what I really love about it, it’s fast, it’s easy, and literally you don’t need to know all about video editing to actually get something done. It’s pretty much drag and drop and do all the things that you would want to do for that video. Now ScreenFlow is actually looking ahead and your actually able to edit everything in 4K if you want to. Now keep mind your file size will be a lot bigger cause it’s like 4 times the size. Also this is great software solution for you Mac gamers, you can do 60 frames per second and honestly guys, this software is only $99. Now here’s the bad news. This only works on Mac. I wish TeleStream would actually do it so it goes on Linux and Windows because honestly guys, this is some great software, I love it. So alright if you are interested in any of these software, guess what. The links in the description below you can actually go to the site, get more information, download the free version or the paid solution. You can get a little demo. This is really great stuff here guys and I know that I missed a lot of different screen recording software, there’s a lot that’s out there. I only did my pics but I want to hear from you. If there’s a solution that I didn’t cover, I’d love to hear about it. Put it in the comments below tell me why you actually love using that software. Now keep in mind guys, the reason why I picked these is because I do this all the time, I’m looking for a great solution that can help me do my video’s quick and that I’m able to turn around and get those videos out to you. Right? Now I hope you found this video very result. If you did give me a thumbs up. I need those thumbs up right! Now I’m a crazy guy, I actually have over 200 videos trying teach you how to utilize YouTube and marketing to really get your message out there. So if you’re interested in that, check a few of my videos out over here and also hit that nice big Subscribe button. Thanks guys.

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