Samsung may suspend new Exynos chips until 2025

It has recently been reported that Samsung has decided to form a new team called the Dream Team, with the team working on the development of a new top-of-the-line chip for use in future S-series smartphones only.

With the formation of this new team, Samsung is known to have decided not to release the next generation of Exynos top chips during the coming 2023 and 2024, so that means that their top phones, including the Galaxy S23 Series and S24 Series, can Will fully use Qualcomm top chip.

According to reports from South Korea, Samsung plans to unveil its new project in July, with about 1,000 employees working on its Dream Team.

The new flagship chip that Samsung plans to make may be officially released during 2025 as a chip used only in the Galaxy line of smartphones. It should be noted that the Exynos family of chips is similar to Samsung's common chips, which are designed for both personal use and supply to other companies. While the chip they are planning to study is likely to be like Apple's M1 or A-series chips, made for personal use only.

At the same time, they also want to have more time to focus only on the development of the new top chip so that when it comes out can compete in the market with other top chips, because as we have already seen, although the Exynos 2200 chip. Samsung is better, but it still can't beat the Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 or Apple 15 top chip. 

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